
Friday 31 May 2019

Beautiful Oops Art Work

WALT- create art out of something we are given and make it beautiful.

In our class we have been learning to create art from mistakes. We had to turn a scribble or a blob of colour into something beautiful.

This is some of the art that we have created, we hope you like it.

We were all able to turn our 'mistake' into something beautiful and it was fun to be really creative with our art. Next time we could add words to our art that could make it better and more colours to make it stand out.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Planning spaces.

WALT- plans help us to come up with ideas that we can use in our writing or stories.

In Taonga we were making a plan about writing a story that happened on a ship. We had to write what type of ship we were going to be on and what was happening on the ship. We also had people or things that we wanted to write about in our plans. We had to have a title to help us make our plan. 

We have put pictures of Bentlee, Molly, Ariya and Bahlee's work for you to look at.

We think that we were all good at saying what type of boat we were on and we were also good at coming up with good ideas to use in our stories.
Next time we do some planning we want to write more ideas and keep our work tidier so that we can read it when we look back at it.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Taonga Writing

WALT- recount writing has a title and an orientation.

In class we have learned about new things we need to have in our recount writing, so we have made sure we added a title and who, where and when our event happened to our story.

Here is Jahn, Levi, Brody and Liam's writing.

We did well at making our titles and making sure our stories made sense.
I wish that I could have added more sentences to my story.

Thursday 9 May 2019

Taonga Class 2019

We are a year 2 and 3 class at Mangonui School in Northland, New Zealand. Our teacher is called Miss Seymour.
We live on a harbour and we can go fishing, swimming and go to the wharf.
We go on school camps and this year we went to Lonsdale Park.