
Friday 31 May 2019

Beautiful Oops Art Work

WALT- create art out of something we are given and make it beautiful.

In our class we have been learning to create art from mistakes. We had to turn a scribble or a blob of colour into something beautiful.

This is some of the art that we have created, we hope you like it.

We were all able to turn our 'mistake' into something beautiful and it was fun to be really creative with our art. Next time we could add words to our art that could make it better and more colours to make it stand out.


  1. Good work Taonga! We love your beautiful artwork. We love how colourful your art is. We are interested to know how you turned your scribbles into such wonderful art? You must be very creative.

  2. hi i like your artwork because it has lots of colors. my name is ashdyn .

  3. hi your artwork is realy amazing. I like the colors and shapes and desine.
    From Tani.

  4. I like your art becaus it amazing because of the colors. From Bailey I.

  5. Hi I like your artwork it is amazing because it is colourful. How old are you's by Zahara

    1. Hi Zahara,
      Some of us are 6 and some of us are 7. Thank you for your kind comment.

  6. Hi my name is Zahara rose puketapu your artwork is amazing and it's relly cool by Zahara thank you for the nicn comments

  7. your artwork is amazing and its cool and there nicn.

  8. Hi my name is Zahara I like your artwork its beautiful.
