
Tuesday 21 May 2019

Planning spaces.

WALT- plans help us to come up with ideas that we can use in our writing or stories.

In Taonga we were making a plan about writing a story that happened on a ship. We had to write what type of ship we were going to be on and what was happening on the ship. We also had people or things that we wanted to write about in our plans. We had to have a title to help us make our plan. 

We have put pictures of Bentlee, Molly, Ariya and Bahlee's work for you to look at.

We think that we were all good at saying what type of boat we were on and we were also good at coming up with good ideas to use in our stories.
Next time we do some planning we want to write more ideas and keep our work tidier so that we can read it when we look back at it.

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